Devil May Cry. Will Netflix give this the Witcher treatment?

Here we go again with the trepidation. What will Netflix do this beloved franchise? Will they give this one the Witcher treatment? This time it’s Devil May Cry. Now if you’re unfamiliar, DMC is an incredibly successful series of video games. Ten of millions of copies sold, books, Anime, action figures, the whole nine yards. This is a beloved series. The worry now, is what Netflix will do with Devil May Cry. They don’t really have a strong track record.

Now as a Witcher fan who no longer watches the Netflix series, I am dubious as all hell. I really wonder if Netflix has the stones to do DMC justice. Also worth noting? This is animation we’re talking about. These stories were all written and the animation begun during the height of Woke. So, there’s that.

But let’s try to take an optimistic path. You can all judge for yourselves. Here’s what we have on term of visuals on Netflix’s Devil May Cry. Take a look. The show starts streaming on April 3.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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