Doctor Writes ‘Epic, Biblical’ Novels Rivaling any Fantasy World—and More

Via me at Hollywood in Toto:

Tell a kid to choose a career. If he says, “I want to be a doctor—and a novelist, artist, TV writer and children’s book author,” you’d tell him, “Pick one!”

After all, no one person can be all those things. But Dr. R. Mark Huffman is giving it his best shot. And he supposedly still finds time to sleep. HiT had the chance to ask him a few questions about his various projects, including a saga based on Noah’s life before the ark construction project.

Full Disclosure: The author of this Q&A and Dr. Huffman both contributed to the pulp fiction anthology, “Appalling Stories 2: More Appalling Tales of Social Injustice.”

HiT: How did you manage to become an author and illustrator, while also being an anesthesiologist?

Mark Huffman: I’ve drawn my whole life. At some point in medical school, I was in a restaurant with my wife and mom, casually complaining about some pretty terrible local art on the walls. They both told me to do something with my own art instead of whining about others’, so I started putting my stuff on freelance websites.

I did some RPG illustrations, a job for Wizards of the Coast for a project that was never developed to release, and ended up doing quite a bit of miniature design work. I don’t do freelance anymore, but I’ve been able to do illustrations for [the interior of] my novels, which has been enormously satisfying. . . .

Read the entire interview at Hollywood in Toto.

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