We’re digging these retrospectives. Behold: 100 years of lingerie. ‘Tis a good one. In just 3 short minutes you can get an idea of what was “hot” back in the day and maybe an idea of where things are going. At least according to the people at Glam, who put this great montage together.
Now ya know we are big fans of lingerie. BIG fans. So, we have definite opinions on all of this. I’ll make it brief.
We’re going to give the stuff from 1915 a free pass. Times were different, right? I’m sure that outfit was scandalous back in the day. Also pretty sure the sight of an ankle would turn you on so bad you’d fall off your horse and break your dick. So, 1915 gets a pass.
(RELATED: Erin Go Bra-Less! Well, Sheer Anyway.)
I wasn’t hating 1925, though. Get freaking you sexy flappers! Bonus points awarded for not only being sexy, it looked comfy too. Sweet. Nicely done, 1925. Things just steadily improve after that. Lingerie just gets better and better…until…it goes off the rails. 2015, or at least the outfits they chose, were a giant swing and a miss. Not a big fan of any of it. There was an athletic vibe that was a big ol’ splash of cold water. It’s like they lost the plot of lingerie. Sexy. Curvy. Seduction. No thanks on the 2015 vibe. We’ll be hanging out in the 90’s. Those thigh highs alone are worth it.
What was your favorite decade?
Yikes! That took a turn! 60s and 90s all day.
Ha! Same reaction. after the 90’s I’m just saying “go back!”
1955 all night,,, well? at least a few good minutes before she makes me a sandwich…..
Think I was all 80’s & 90’s