‘Whiskey Business’ Podcast Has Director Travis Irvine

From the Whiskey Business YouTube channel.

Usually with one guest you’ll get into one topic. But not with Travis Irvine. On his second appearance on Whiskey Business we covered a lot of bases: politics, the pandemic, getting Covid in Wyoming, a new documentary he directed on how America killed someone’s mother, and even a little bit of professional soccer.

(RELATED: Putting the ‘I’ in Dive Bar on This Week’s ‘Whiskey Business’ Podcast)

Always entertaining and always surprising, Travis breezed through an hour and probably could’ve gone an hour more. The bottle of George Dickel Single Barrel may have slowed us down but what was put out there is great and will provide you with an entertaining and informative listen.

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About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round TheLoftusParty.com

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