What’s Chapping My Ass

Here we go. Another fine installment of “What’s Chapping My Ass.” This week’s we could almost call an update because we’re in familiar territory. Maybe I should call it “What’s STILL Chapping My Ass.” That might be more fitting.

(RELATED: What’s Chapping My Ass)

Just a reminder, these are in no particular order. They aren’t posted by level of importance. I know it’s a political pastime for people to correct you over the things you’re pissed about. They’ll tell you that the “real” problem is something else…then they proceed to launch into the shit that’s on their mind! It’s madness. We can be mad about more than one thing at a time. Okay? So save your “here’s the ‘REAL’ problem” BS. For now. We can discuss in the comments. Promise.

What’s chapping my ass: the “infrastructure” bill. We’re just going to keep finding more and more bullshit in here. Kill the bill already. Unless we’re JUST doing roads, bridges and transportation? Get it outta the bill. Is mass amnesty in there now?

The border. Could SOMEONE man up and close the border? Anyone? I honestly can’t believe this has gone on so long? What happened to the Texas cowboy spirit? Are we just going to allow this mass trespass to continue? WTF? They are now opening up tent cities in Texas….

The CDC trying to act like private property isn’t a thing anymore. This eviction moratorium thing is beyond bonkers. So a landlord can’t collect rent. Can’t evict for non-payment, but they STILL have to pay the bank for the mortgage? Are you high? Put the pipe down. I cannot wait for the lawsuits. There should be tons! The courts should be flipping swamped with lawsuits today.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round TheLoftusParty.com

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