Report: Pilot Plan to Tax Drivers by the Mile Hidden in Infrastructure Bill

Hmmm, that’s weird. They found a pilot plan to tax drivers by the mile hidden in the infrastructure bill.

(RELATED: Here’s Some Shit That Don’t Make No Sense)

They’re calling it a VMT. Which stands for a vehicle miles traveled tax. So strange. I was told by Mr. Biden that he would only be taxing those people who made over $400K a year. And this VMT would seem to be a tax on every vehicle that uses roads. Now it stands to reason that this would affect every person who drives and it would hurt the Little Guy the most! If I’m getting taxed by the amount of time I’m spending on the road and I’m hustling to make ends meet by driving Uber? My life just got a lot harder. That’s fucked up. Let’s not do this, okay?

And another thing! If Biden only wants to make sure the rich are paying their “fair share” and he’s only going after millionaires and billionaires, etc., why does he want to monitor bank transactions of $600? Are billionaires moving money around in $600 increments? Or is this just another way to go after the little guy? The guy who can’t afford a tax lawyer to defend himself?

We don’t dig this at all. Seems invasive AF.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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