Here it is. We got the inside scoop for comedy because maybe we love ya too much. And we’re gonna save you some money! Blam! As you may know, The Loftus Party has joined forces with The America First Warehouse to present an evening of hilariousness. There’s a new sketch show in town–That Show Tonight. And we are firing up on Dec. 4th. It’s going to be a great time and YOU are invited to the beta test of our streaming service. You all get the inside scoop and the first look. Skadoosh!
(RELATED: ‘That Show Tonight:’ Sketch Comedy as It’s Meant to Be)
But wait! There’s more! Because we refuse to get shut down by the powers that be, we are doing That Show Tonight completely independently. There are no overlords. There are no thugs to unplug the show and kick us off the air. Boom! This also means we’re counting on you to subscribe. It’s seems to be the way of the world now. But the upside? No one can shut us down. It’s a trade we’re eager to make.
So, here’s the deal. Subscribe to That Show Tonight at
Enter promo code TLP when you check out and you’ll save 20%. Again, because we love ya! We’re gonna make fun of the hypocrites and the powers the be and no one can stop us! LOL.
So, thanks in advance. You’re the best and we’re truly grateful for your support!