Is ‘The Batman’ Any Good? Lauren Chen Lets You Know

Have you seen The Batman? I haven’t. No plans to do so either, of course. But Lauren Chen has seen it. And at her Mediaholic YouTube channel, she provides a review of the movie along with some commentary about the drama going on regarding its “race politics.”

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Like I said, I haven’t seen The Batman, so I don’t know what it’s about. However, based on the title, I’m assuming it’s a comedy starring David Spade, and that it centers around a middle-aged man trying to fulfill a lifelong dream of being the bat boy for his favorite baseball team. But since he’s too old to be a bat boy, he gets the title of “The Batman,” and hijinks ensue from there.

I wonder how off I am with my guess at the summary for the movie?

Anyways, check out Chen’s review of the movie and her other thoughts about it.

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