What the hell happened to Disney? (Update: New Zoom Meeting Woke Agenda Leaked)

(Note: This story was posted BEFORE the leaked footage of the Disney Zoom call where the new agenda at Disney was made public. Links are provided below) The insane hits just keep coming from corporate America. Brands that have no business being in politics continue to baffle us. Now it’s gone into really bizarre territory with family entertainment giant, Walt Disney Co. Leading us to this: What the hell happened to Disney? For real. They have completely lost the plot and crossed a line.

Recently Florida passed the Parental Rights in Education legislation. Simply put, it would not allow for pre-k through 3rd graders to be instructed in sex-ed and gender identity type studies. Little kids wouldn’t be subjected to classroom materials about sexuality. Again: Little kids. Children. Wouldn’t be taught about sex stuff. And Disney has a problem with that? What the hell?

I know that there has been a huge effort to brand this as the “Don’t say gay” law. Which is crazy in and of itself because nowhere in the law does it mention the word ‘gay’. But that’s beside the point. What parent WANTS a five-year-old to learn about sex? Who is insisting this be left into the curriculum? Who is FOR this? The Walt Disney co. I guess. Do they have any idea of the line they have crossed? It’s madness. Total and complete madness to want to have a 5-year-old sexualized in any way, shape or form. It’s beyond the beyond. But Disney vows to fight the law! WTF?

Some will say that Disney is only paying lip service to the LGBTQ community. Okay… and alienating the rest of society is somehow good? Even from a PR standpoint it’s crazy. But here’s an even more disturbing thought: What if the leadership of Disney Co. really believes what they are saying publicly? Holy crap. There’s a scary one to contemplate. No child should be subjected to any kind of sexualization. They are children! Want to know why kids can’t drink alcohol? They are children. Want to know why kids can’t drive cars? They are children. I think you get the point. So, how is this apparently lost on all the grown-ups at Disney? What happened? How could they possibly think any of this was okay? It’s not. It’s really not.

Here’s links to the leaked Zoom call: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10666065/Disney-prez-says-mom-transgender-pansexual-children-wants-diverse-characters.html



About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round TheLoftusParty.com

2 comments on “What the hell happened to Disney? (Update: New Zoom Meeting Woke Agenda Leaked)

  1. Suds says:

    Howdy mgmt. What the hell happened to Disney? It’s name was Mike Eisner.

    1. The Mgmt. says:

      I wonder if it’s unavoidable for big company now. Some douche VP will insist being woke is important and necessary. It’s wild that they all do it. Seems like every big corp. is on board. it’s wild

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