Huge Protest at Disney over studios Woke agenda.

Disney Studios made their agenda public recently. They have decided to move the company to the Left. “Woke”. Woke on a whole new level. We’ve all probably seen the leaked video of the Zoom call when Disney Execs and producers were quite vocal about the plans promote the LGTBQ community across all of its platforms etc. They had to know there would be push back. Well, here it comes. Good. People are letting their voices be heard. And this is hopefully just the beginning.

Hundreds of protesters showed up at a rally outside the Disney studios in Burbank yesterday. And they got vocal. This was a massive turnout. Is anyone surprised? This shouldn’t be shocking to anybody. If Disney listens to the LGTBQ community, it’s in their interests to listen to the straight community as well. Yes? These protesters want to be heard. We’re wondering if anyone at the house of mouse is listening.

Here’s a link to Breitbart’s coverage with video.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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