Elon Musk is having fun with Twitter. Don’t think he’s going to ‘Save’ social media

The ripples of excitement that Elon Musk caused on Twitter and through the Stock Market continue to be felt today. It seems that everyone on social media and Wall St. have nothing better to do than hang on every move the Billionaire makes. It’s a bit disturbing to yours truly. Here’s a refresher course: A couple days ago, Elon Musk bought a boatload of Twitter Stock. Like 9% of the shares. He’s now the biggest single shareholder of the company. Immediately, everyone on social media site seemed to think he had the power to change every single thing they didn’t like about Twitter. It was tough to watch. Then this happened: Elon Musk turned down a seat on the board of Twitter. Again, people started flipping out. Oh nooo! Why would Elon abandon us? Relax, people. There’s an upside. When you’re on the Board there are limits to how much stock you can own of the company. By refusing, Elon has way more options. If he wants more stock? He can buy it. So, it’s a bit crafty and it make a lot of sense. But in the big scheme of things? Let’s not sit around and hope Elon will single handedly ‘fix’ social media. Right now, it’s kind of fun to watch him fuck around with Twitter. But I think you’ll agree. We still have huge issues with almost every other big tech giant. YouTube? FaceBook? Google? They are still going strong with their mysterious algorithms. Elon can’t fix it all. Just sayin’.


About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round TheLoftusParty.com

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