As we come to the end of another year, we’re doing some reflecting. Thinking back on all the news of 2022. It was quite enlightening. The stories that got covered and more importantly, the ones that didn’t. Those were the ones that really stood out. Those were the ones that should be the most concerning. The lack of coverage on some earth-shaking events is very telling. The silence on these three stories is a deafening warning siren that we, as a country have a very, very big problem. Check this out.
The World Health Organization says close to 7 million people are dead because of Covid. Yet no one seems interested in finding out where it came from or who is responsible or how to prevent another event like the Covid-19 pandemic from happening again. That’s fucking nuts. If 7 million people are dead… and no one is interested in how or why or who? That straight up bonkers. Here’s another story to make you go ‘hmmmm…’
We now know and have proof that the FBI and other intelligence agencies were actively censoring journalist and regular Americans to affect the outcome of at least one election. Members of the FBI and the US intelligence community worked hand in glove with Twitter to squash the Biden laptop story and with each new release of the Twitter Files we have proof of even more nefarious censorship regarding the response to Covid. Once again: This is fucking nuts. The US intelligence community working with big tech (we know about twitter, but you have to think it’s Facebook, Google, YouTube and more) to affect our elections and steer public opinion and no one seems to care? You would think every single journalist on planet earth would be all over that story. Yet they aren’t. Not a good sign.
Lastly, the Southern Border. Lots of video yet nothing changes. Every day more Fentanyl comes across. Everyday more Americans die from accidental overdoses. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are dead. From a drug that comes across the US border. Yet no one does anything. Sure, they go to Texas and make videos and say they’re upset, but just last week these same ‘concerned’ elected representatives voted for an Omnibus spending bill that leaves the border wide open. What in the actual fuck?!
Our conclusion? We are on our own. The Government has failed like never before. They have failed to protect the citizens of the country they claim to represent. Millions of Americans will continue to die and the frauds in D.C. won’t even be interested enough to discuss it. That is how little we the people actually matter. America, we have a very, very big problem. Time to get some people elected who actually give a shit.