Trial by Combat! New Elden Ring Update is here!

Elden Ring just released their latest update which adds new features that focus on player vs. player combat!

You and another tarnished soul can now fight for glory, for honor, or just for fun in the new colosseum update for Elden RIng! This update adds new player vs. player features which take place at three different colosseums scattered around the map. Each colosseum has different rules, one being focused simply on one on one duels, another being focused on team vs team combat (you can have up to three people per team), and the last being focused on pure chaos; summoning monsters and ghouls to fight by your side against your online foe… it is crazy!

The update is pure madness in a perfect Elden Ring sort of way. If you want to test your skills against a real opponent, fight some buddies, or have an insane battle filled with magic and summoning and craziness then this update is for you!

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