Just because social media sites like Instagram and TikTok look like a young persons’ game with millennials and Gen Z griping about their First World Problems, uptalking annoyingly about their latest cafe visits, or completely misinterpreting history, I’ve been seeing more Gen X folks bringing a little clarity to things.
Instagram is just one good example, and there are at three sites I’ve been following lately I recommend for my fellow Gen Xers who just want some reminders there is still some of our brand of wisdom and insanity out there.
The Dadbod Veteran
John Wellington offers some properly sarcastic responses to videos that would otherwise make you cringe or wonder where the brains cells have gone. His satire is offered with a proper soundness of one who just knows better. His stories “of times before” are on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and TikTok, so there are plenty of places to check him out.
Comedian and actor Nick Harrison is everything that was and is right about Gen X. His “We Rock Together ” philosophy is of bringing folks of all backgrounds together through the simple act of joy. Particularly the joy of being a music lover on his Instagram. He shares himself dancing and reacting to great sounds of the 80s, 90s and beyond. There is a lot of relatable singing in the grocery store or car. He is instantly likable to the point you would swear you “knew him in high school.” Harrison has also covered the social media world well, and can be found in Twitch, Facebook, TikTok, Soundcloud, YouTube and more. Not all content is the same, however. He also has a great Spotify playlist. Give him a follow, and celebrate the music!
Sherri, a “Level 50 Truth Sayer” who has her own skincare company, delivers some unfiltered, often hilarious and sometimes harsh commentary that is refreshing to hear. She is often pointedly soft-spoken in her delivery, and somehow that just makes even the hardest truths go down smooth. I’m going to share another hard truth with other generations: Gen Xers make the best Spotify playlists. She has her own Gen X playlist there, too. She lives on her own terms and encourages others not to give a f*ck as well. Find her on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and TikTok.
So don’t lament, fellow Gen Xers. Social media may seem like an exclusive club for the whinier generations, but that’s okay. Gen X is coming…and they are bringing the best playlists.