Helldivers 2 is taking over. (video)

We can’t stop with Helldivers 2. This game is dominating the feed over here at TLP Gaming. And yes, we will be playing this one asap. For all you XBox people out there, you’re bumming on this one. Helldivers 2 is a PlayStation 5 and PC thing. For now, at least. Tp say that this game is popular is a bit of an understatement. They just increased the cap on players to 700,000 due to the games rising popularity. Helldivers 2 looks to be insane levels of fun.

So, what is Helldivers 2? Is it just what happens when Starship Troopers and Halo get together and have a baby? It kind of looks like that and guess what? We don’t care. Not one little bit. We just want to play. Helldivers 2 is out now.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round TheLoftusParty.com

4 comments on “Helldivers 2 is taking over. (video)

  1. Michael buffa says:

    I enjoyed Helldivers 1. Bought 2, but haven’t had a chance to dig in yet. Nice write up.

    1. The Mgmt. says:

      Dude! Let me know what you think! About to jump in too. Just finished Outer Wilds. Much fun with that one.

      1. Michael buffa says:

        I like it, definitely a smaller studio as the movement of your character and NPCs isn’t the most fluid, but a lot of fun. I still need to memorize the controls.

        1. The Mgmt. says:

          Awesome! Keep me posted!

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