Dune: Awakening – Survive Arrakis Trailer. We’re a little worried now.

Don’t judge, but I haven’t seen Dune 2 yet. I’m a big fan of the books and I also really enjoyed the Dune movie. Finally! A good Dune movie! I’ve just been insanely busy. Now with that apology out of the way let’s talk about the new trailer for Dune: Awakening. We were really stoked for this game. Who wouldn’t want to have an adventure set in the Dune Universe? Come on! Fire up the PlayStation and grab some spice. Make a day of it! Now we’re hearing some rumblings of Wokeness invading the Dun-i-verse… and that would suck. Woke ruins everything and we don’t want it to ruin Dune. We’ll keep an eye on these rumblings. Until then? Here’s the latest trailer for Dune: Awakening.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round TheLoftusParty.com

2 comments on “Dune: Awakening – Survive Arrakis Trailer. We’re a little worried now.

  1. Michael buffa says:

    I assume you’ll catch the movie once you get to Tuna Town? ; )

    The game definitely looks interesting.

    1. The Mgmt. says:

      life on the road to tuna town. title for my biography. HA! I hoping the Dune game doesn’t suck. You never know till you play.

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