The Fundamental Flaw of Star Wars Outlaws and why I won’t be playing.

This is my second post about Star Wars Outlaw from Ubisoft. The game is available August 30th. Now, someone needs to talk about its fundamental flaw. Guess that person might as well be me. Certainly, someone else must have reached the same conclusion but so far, I haven’t seen it. But here you go. This is the fundamental flaw in Star Wars Outlaws and the big reason I won’t be playing.

I was watching a preview of actual game play of Star Wars outlaws and this dude, as he’s playing say’s something like “It is the scoundrel fantasy for Star Wars fans…. it’s a game to make you feel like Han Solo”. Unfortunately, you’re a girl in the game. Ubisoft has given you no choice. That’s a buzz kill. And that is the first domino in my thought process that got me convinced to pass on this one.

THE BIG REASON – in all the Star Wars, scoundrel, space smuggler, pirate, daydreams I may have had from watching Star Wars, never was ‘being a girl’ in there. Just being honest. Did I think about how cool Han Solo was? Yeah. A lot. Did I wish I could adventure like that? Hell yeah! Did I ever wish he had tits and vagina? No. That was something that never crossed my mind. I never longed to fly around the galaxy as a handsome woman with a robot cat. And that is the fundamental flaw of this game. Just like Disney Star Wars, Ubisoft doesn’t get the basic dynamic right. They don’t want you to have fun with your Star Wars dream of being a scoundrel. They want you to plat THIER woke dream of being a strong space cat lady that don’t need no man. Fuck that. Outlaws might have the best graphics and that fun stuff. I’m not playing. Star War Outlaws isn’t for guys like me.

AND THE COST – If you want to pay between 70 and 130 dollars to be a Star Wars outer space cat lady? Enjoy. Hope you have a blast.

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

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