The Week in Memes – Dems Love Dick Edition

It’s the week in memes! We have scoured the internet high and low to bring you these insightful gems. So, much happened this week, but we can all laugh a little. Know why? Memes! Here you people. Where news meets comedy. Neocon warmonger with the blood of millions of Iraqi children on his hands is now the darling of the people who called him “Neocon warmonger with the blood of millions of Iraqi children” because he endorsed Kamala Harris.

This may or may not be a real Tweet.

New yard signs just dropped!

Loosey-goosey policies have finally caught up with Colorado as Venezuelan gangs are free to take over apartment complexes.

There was another tragic school shooting. Seems the mentally unstable trans perxns are giving the mentally unstable white supremacists are run for the money. Of course, there’s a huge difference in how the media handles it.

For some reason, they set up a tiny desk in the hallway for President Biden.

We suppose this is better than a high-chair.

Your humble author couldn’t help but make this connection.

The Harris campaign has been playing games with the debates. First there was not debates, then taunting Trump for not agreeing to use the debate scheduled between him and Biden. Then demanding that the muted microphones, which were agreed to, be turned on so that Trump could interrupt her and she could use her gurl power “I’m speaking” line.

Grab bag!

Remember, movie critics are not us. They are the audience woke Hollywood wishes they actually had. This has been true for many years.

Until next week, amigos!

1 comment on “The Week in Memes – Dems Love Dick Edition

  1. Carla Caruso says:

    Love it Gordon!!

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