It’s never too soon to learn. Also? Never too soon for jokes. If you have to say, ‘too soon?’ after a joke? It wasn’t funny. That’s my two cents as a writer and comedian. See? We’re already learning! And here you were, all concerned about tasteless fire jokes. I can’t say there won’t be any of those. But here’s what we will supply: Tough lessons about reality. Ready? Believe it or not, reality will come a calling. Even in giant fires like the ones in LA.
Maybe the most ‘California’ thing in its history.
If I underperformed or passed on responsibility to a subordinate in my line of work, I would be shitcanned immediately.
Let me pass on something to you I wrote on a NY newspaper’s discussion forum in regards to some that were excusing LA Mayor Bass’ incompetence.
I am a former ship Master (captain) and now a harbor pilot in a large East Coast port.
As Master, I was responsible for the ship, crew and cargo.
As Mayor of LA, Karen Bass is the captain of the ship.
Same goes for Newsome as Governor.
Some excused Bass for not knowing there would be a serious fire while she traveled to Ghana for whatever reason.
I say, bullshit.
Her job was in LA. Not Ghana.
When I was on my ship, I was responsible and accountable for ship, crew and cargo until my relief came up the gangway. Period.
No passing the buck.
With the exception of the loss of life resulting from these fires, the worst thing about all this is no one will EVER be held accountable for their negligence.
It pisses me off to no end.
Anyway, looking forward to seeing you on Gutfeld’s show tonight.
I think this fire will be the one that changes things in LA. Just too many incompetent people pretending to be ‘in charge’. Its beyond ridiculous. And these fires are affecting the donor class. This is big.