It’s a perfect time for a Starship test flight update. There was a lunch yesterday and it was indeed thrilling. Was there an explosion? Sure! But more importantly, did they manage to catch the booster with the robot chopsticks? Yup. They are two for two on those catches. Hence, the title of this little post. SpaceX did it again. This is getting exciting.
We’ll have a bunch of swell videos for you as you scroll down, but here’s what should really have you jazzed. They can repeat the catch of the booster. That’s the key to this multiplanetary plan. A reusable system. A quick turnaround. That’s how Elon and the SpaceX team plan on getting humanity to Mars. Now they’ve shown they can repeat the key element. The catch. That is cause for celebration.
Now let’s get to some sweet footage of all the big things that happened for Starship and SpaceX yesterday. Including one hell of an explosion!
For those of you keeping track at home, some internet sleuths think they might have found the problem with the heat shield. Doh!
It’s all part of the learning curve that will get us here… so they say. I’m into it!