Well, that was a thing. I just got done watching the RFK Jr. confirmation hearing and yeah, I have some thoughts. I’ll also slap together some highlights. If we can really call them highlights. Maybe moments of interest would be better phrasing. But let’s dive into the senate confirmation hearing of Robert Kennedy Jr who is nominated for Health Secretary.
This country has very real health issues and that seemed to get lost in the political theater of it all. Some great points were made, and they shouldn’t get swept under the rug. We’ll have those for you.
This post is will also be about the theatre of it all. It’s just so bizarre every time you see it. Sadly, that’s what most of these hearings are about. We all seem to be hip to that little truth nugget. These events are about the optics and headlines. That’s pretty much it. It’s not some noble quest for truth. It’s about changing hearts and minds of voters and building a bigger base. The headlines are being written before the testimony is even over.
So, that’s my opening salvo if you will. Now hopefully we can all agree on one thing: America has a health issue. Yes? You still here? Good. Now back to the hearing and the headlines. Here’s a wonderful moment in regard to RFK Jr being a ‘conspiracy theorist’.
Hopefully you’re a teeny bit concerned about the red dye that’s been in our food for decades but suddenly has been banned. Yeah. that’s a wee bit concerning.
This is also a good time to discuss how science works too… Science is a process. It’s not something that’s settled.
Again, we have a problem with our health and our kids health. Something is fuggin wrong.
Back to our highlights of disingenuous and sometimes silly people trying to get a soundbite for the cameras.
Not sure this dude even realizes how the Government works. We should probably not put a lot of faith in him.
Here’s what I thought was the highlight of the day.
It’s worth noting that RFK Jr. isn’t GOP guy. Trump isn’t an establishment GOP guy either. That’s what makes this all the more interesting. We’re watching the establishment push back on a guy who seems to recognize there’s a problem and want’s to at least try to solve it. We’ve had decades of Permanent Washingtons efforts. Look where we are now. Time for a new course of action. If RFK Jr upsets the current class? Good.
Senator Lie-A-Watha Warren is still angry she was taken off the Land-O-Lakes butter box.
HA! That’s gotta be it. LOL