Military Vet Records Popular (Clean) Hip Hop Song ‘The Patriot.’ Immediately Gets Censored.

The arts are being censored now. Hip hop artist Topher and The Marine Rapper, both military veterans, recorded the song “The Patriot.” It was #3 on hip hop, #4 on R&B and #34 in all digital downloads. Industry experts say the song was poised to go even higher. Maybe #1.

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Until it was pulled from streaming services. The song uses no profanity. You’re just not allowed to buy it. Topher’s crime? Being a successful artist who also leans right, evidently. We felt compelled to share the story and the video.

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Since when did we as a society become okay with censoring the arts? And what is the offense of “The Patriot?”

About the Author
Writer, Comedian, Geek, Purveyor of the Sexy Heathen lifestyle. Sometimes on TV. AKA 'The Mgmt.' Always hanging round

2 comments on “Military Vet Records Popular (Clean) Hip Hop Song ‘The Patriot.’ Immediately Gets Censored.

  1. Rebecca Cummings says:

    Song is totally worth even if you do not like rap… These guys have message unlike the crap we get pushed by the left!

    1. The Mgmt. says:

      I dug it!

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