Let’s enjoy the AI ride while we can. To quote Han Solo “I got a bad feeling about this”. There’s a booming little industry on the internet and it’s AI movie trailers. Maybe the movie already exists, like ‘Star Wars’ and it’s a reimagining. Or maybe it’s like Heavy Metal – Starblade Eternal, where someone has taken a theme and added (through AI) an original song as well as visuals. It’s all very entertaining and I’d by lying if I said I didn’t enjoy them.
How long until it’s entire features? That’s the question. Right now, these AI trailers are glorified screensavers with some music. The threat to Hollywood is low. Aside from the slew of “I would watch that movie” comments that really speaks to a lack of creativity in movies today. How long until AI is given the commands by some talented idea person, and they make a full-length piece of “original” entertainment? I believe it will be way sooner than most people think. It feels like it’s right around the corner.
Maybe that’s a good thing? Storys have to come from somewhere. And if Hollywood can’t get the tone or visuals right for a good story, it’s nice to know someone or some AI can. This trailer for Heavy Metal – Starblade Eternal has more Heavy Metal flavor than almost anything I’ve seen since… well, Heavy Metal. And yes, I find myself saying “I’d watch that”. Fake trailers don’t bode well for Hollwood.
Here’s Heavy Metal – Starblade Eternal and few other interesting AI trailers.
Yes, there’s a Red Sonja project in the works from Hollywood. But do you think it will come close to looking like this?
And if you’re wondering about the lack of original idea. Here’s a trailer for The Hulk vs Wonder Woman. Sure, it’s a copyright issue, but it’s a trailer for something new. Not just a rehash of Star Wars or The Matrix. It is a new thing. Buckle up. Things could get really interesting really quickly.