There’s a lot to take in with this one. Showa American Story is new video game from Nekcom and it’s got people talking. Just watch the trailer. Does it look insane? Yes. Is this the kind of insanity I’m into? Also yes. The game developers are saying it’s a love letter to 80’s pop culture and B-movies. Sweet! Showa American Story seems to have all the elements. A completely different timeline for America, Zombies, over the top violence and plenty of things to make you go WTF?! All, loosely connected with juuuust enough story. We are into it!
We will be keeping our eyes wide open for this one. It looks like Idiocracy meets anime, meets zombies, RPG’s and everything else. And that feels like a winning combo. Showa American Story has a release date for PS5 of 2025.
Check out this reaction clip to the trailer. It sums things up quite well. Lots of pauses… a sense of wonder at the insanity and the sense that you know one thing about Showa American Story: We want to play this thing.